Kenco Coffee Products UK Kenco Cappucinno Coffee Products
Kenco Singles Capsules Welcome to Kenco

Kenco Light Roast – A lightly roasted ground coffee with a mild, light Kenco taste.

Kenco Medium Roast – A medium roasted ground coffee ideal for everyday drinking.

Kenco Dark Roast – A dark roasted ground coffee with a rich continental taste.

Kenco Decaffeinated  - The smooth, balanced taste of Kenco ground coffee, decaffeinated.

Kenco Cappuccino Creamer - combine with Carte Noir espresso for the perfect Cappuccino experience.

Kenco Cappio – A sweet and frothy instant cappuccino.

PG Tips – The nations favourite tea.

Suchard Regular – A rich, indulgent hot chocolate flavour drink from the famous Swiss chocolate makers.

Carte Noire Espresso – An intense, dark and full bodied espresso.

Kenco Colombian – Aromatic and sensual, a rich taste of Columbia.

Carte Noire – A medium to strong, rich and smooth coffee – the connoisseur’s choice.

Twinings Earl Grey – A light black tea flavoured by bergamot.

Twinings Peppermint Infusion – A refreshing minty drnk – naturally caffeine free.

Call us today on 0845 061 1122 or email us at: to get one step closer to great drinks and snacks from great vending machines supported by a great personal service.

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Kenco Local Business Service.
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